How about web 2.0 tools?
I certainly used many tools for my blog here, but here are 6 of them which I liked the most. They are highly convenient and all of them are totally free. I even created this infographic using another web 2.0 tool, which is again, free!
If you search enough, you probably can find almost any kind of web tools for your interest. There will be some paid ones if you want to go advanced. There is simply no limit to this. I like web tools. They are quick, simple, easy to use and most importantly, they are compatible to online stuff. You can create them online and use it wherever you want. They will fit just right in. So, if you are looking for advice, those are my preferences for primary use, other than that, I prefer off-line softwares which are made for professional use, okay I'll stop bragging. Here are my advices:


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