Teaching with technology

Teaching with technology

We teachers always want to feed our students with the best of the information, the most effective one, correct and comprehensible one. Since we are living in the technology age, we want to use it while teaching. I personally think it is a great thing to be able to embed technology to education and teaching. It allows for more than just teaching. It creates more possibilities, it gives you more abilities, it is endless and everywhere. I would totally use technology once I assure it is available and convenient for my learners.

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          It gives you many advantages if you know how to  use it properly. First of all, it is time saving, instead of writing on the chalkboard you can just project your slideshow and it will take you no time. Secondly, it gives you the ability to create your own style of books, If you don't like the explanations or the examples in the regular school book, you can just create your own and share them via any social media website or the same way you did with the slideshows. For the third advantage, you are not alone in that, there are so many sources available online that even if you don't find yourself fancy for creating something for your students, you can find content online and just adapt it to your class.
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         What I find disappointing about technology is sometimes some kinds of technology has not evolved into its proper state. Some new features might be unstable. Also encountering errors is not very rare. For example computers and its softwares. If you don't really know how they work or at least if you are new to those kinds of things, It is really easy to encounter an error which may cause you to waste some time. And even if you prepare your stuff in advance and rehearsal your slideshow at home, things change in class, wires may be damaged, the computer may be overheating, a cable might be missing, or an unknown wire might be unplugged which might cause you to go back to the chalkboard after wasting so much time on fixing technological problems.


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